Open Events and General Information

School Open Events 2024-2025

School Open Evening - Thursday 19 September 2024  6-8pm

Sixth Form Open Evening - Thursday 7 November 2024  5.30-8pm

General Information

The majority of our students join us at the beginning of year 7.  Students can be both nervous and excited so we work hard to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.
Our Primary Liaison Team will visit every student in their primary school during Term 5 or 6 before they start with us. This ensures each year 6 student is happy with the arrangements for transition and gives them an opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have.
All the new intake attend a taster day early in July where they meet their tutor, house staff and the other members of their tutor group. They will be able to explore the school and have an introduction to some lessons.
Parents are also invited to visit the school on an evening in early July when the school's expectations will be set out, and you will be able to meet the tutor, Head of House and senior staff. There will be an opportunity to ask questions, as well as a display of school uniform. Our intention is to make sure the transition process is smooth and comfortable for parents too!
If there are concerns at any point, parents are free to contact the tutor, house staff or senior team. We want problems and worries to be identified and addressed whenever they arise.

Video Tour of Ralph Allen School

Video Tour of Ralph Allen School 

(This was recorded in July for our current year 7s who were unable to attend their transition due to Covid-19 restrictions)



Whole School Open Evening Video

Ralph Allen School Virtual Open Evening Video 

Sixth Form Open Evening Video

Ralph Allen School Sixth Form Open Evening Video

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