Special Educational Needs (SEN)

For the latest Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Report, click here

Special Educational Needs & Disibility Policy - Trustwide Special Educational Needs & Disibility Policy - Trustwide 

Year 7 Information Evening 26 September 2024 

KS4 Information Evening Presentation SEND-Exams


Ralph Allen School is committed to raising the standards of attainment for all students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities through a broad, balanced and accessible curriculum. 



The aim of the additional learning support and provision is to encourage, assist and support students in attaining their full potential at school, whilst preparing them for the rigours of their working lives.




Specialist Facilities

Computers and appropriate IT packages;  a wide range of teaching resources and strategies; expert staff; curriculum-driven and pupil-focused provision.


What does the Special Educational Needs (SEN) department provide?

  • Support for all students at KS3 with identified special educational needs through workshops and individual support.
  • Support for students on the Special Educational Needs (SEN) register who struggle with coursework at KS4.
  • In-class support for students with an Educational Health and Care Plan in accordance with their identified need.


Who is a child with special educational needs?

A child may have SEN if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than those of their peers. Typically these difficulties are with:

  • specific learning difficulties (spelling, reading or handwriting)
  • general learning difficulties
  • emotional and behavioural difficulties
  • sensory impairment
  • physical impairment
  • medical conditions which may affect learning


How are students supported by the department?

Students are supported in different ways:

  • They may attend a workshop for literacy intervention, behaviour or self-esteem.
  • Students with specific learning difficulties may attend regular literacy sessions or receive regular curriculum support.
  • They may be offered an intensive reading, writing or spelling course for two terms.
  • They may attend lunch time homework club.
  • They may be supported in class by Learning Mentors.


How would my child's progress be monitored?

All students with identified needs are entered on the school’s Special Educational Need Register and an Individual Education Plan/Learning Profile is produced. (IEPs and the SEN Register are distributed to all staff.) Parents’ and students’ comments are usually included on the IEP and we strongly encourage a positive relation-ship between school and home.

From Statements to Educational Health and Care Plans - new arrangements

Please see extract below from the Department for Education, 8 April 2014

‘For those with the most complex needs we are introducing a single birth-to-25 education, health and care (EHC) plan which will replace statements of special educational needs and Learning Difficulty Assessments.  The EHC plan will place much more emphasis on personal goals and will clearly describe the support a child will receive across different services, including at school, to achieve these ambitions.  The creation and delivery of these plans will be led by local authority but schools must get involved in developing, delivering and reviewing these plans, working closely with parents.

If any of your pupils already have a statement or Learning Difficulty Assessment they will be transferred by the council to an EHC plan within the next three and a half years.  This is likely to be around transition points in a child’s education, such as when they move from primary to secondary school.

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