Y10 Work Experience Information (WEX)

Work experience Monday 7 July - Friday 11 July 2025


Year 10 students have the exciting and beneficial opportunity to complete a week of work experience in the week of 7-11 July 2025.

Undertaking an opportuntity such as this can be a very valuable experience for students. It deepens their understanding about what a career in the placement area involves, helps them to understand their own strengths and areas to develop in relation to employability skills and can also give them first-hand experience on which to draw in future applications/interviews. 

We encourage all our students to undertake work experience. Our designated week of work experience comes near the very end of the school year when all students’ exams and controlled assessments for their GCSEs have finished.  There is not time for students to undertake work experience in Year 11 as they go into the final stages of their GCSE courses. During the work experience week (Monday 7 July - Friday 11 July 2025) there will be no Year 10 lessons. Those students who have not managed to find a placement, even with our support, will stay in school and carry out silent study.

Past experience has shown that it is best for students to find the placement themselves. We will of course support them throughout the process.  Many very successful placements arise out of personal contacts that students have through their friends or relations. Students have to be able to get themselves to the placement, so it is generally best if it is a local placement, but some students do go further afield where families can make the necessary arrangements. In school tutors will be encouraging their Year 10 students in finding a placement and if more help is needed then appointments can be made with our Careers Advisor. 

Work Experience Evening BookletCLICK HERE!

Essential Information: Safe-guarding, Health & Safety, Employment Law & Parent/carer responsibilities

Essential Information

Safeguarding, and Terms of WEX Placements. 

  • Students can only work 1-2-1 with an employer if the placement is with parents/ carers/ aunts and uncles and grandparents. 

  • Employers must ensure students will not be working on a 1-2-1 basis with any employee. 

  • Employers must ensure students will not be working with a person on the children’s barred list. 


Health and Safety

  • Work placement roles should be light duties, no heavy lifting, no use machinery, sharp tools, power tools or chemicals. 


Basic Employment Law  

Employers must ensure that basic employment laws are met in terms of working hours and rest breaks as follows:  

  • The young person is entitled to a rest break of 30 minutes if the working day is over 4.5 hours 

  • The young person must not work over 8 hours per day 

  • The student must have 12 hours rest in any 24 hours period in which they work. (Example, between one working day and the next) 


The Responsibility of the Parent/Carer 

  • To communicate any special educational needs and support needs to the employer 

  • Communicate any allergies with the employer 

  • Parents aware of the risk assessment for young people in the workplace. Parents can ask the employer to copy them into the email sent to the school with the risk assessment.  

  • If the student is not happy, please do contact the school. 

How To Find A WEX Placement

Values of Work Experience 

  • Workplace Insight: Learning how the workplace operates, expected behaviours and basic employment laws. 

  • Careers Insight: The opportunity to explore careers of interest 

  • Skills Developmemt and Confidence Booster: Work on those areas to develop, use your strengths and raise your self-esteem. 

  • Secure future employment: A third of RAS students gain future work with the employer due to their great efforts. Others will find work with another employer, due to the increase in their confidence and self-esteem. 

  • CVs, cover letters and Interviews: Refer to the experience when applying for jobs, Post 16, university, or apprenticeships. 

  • Networking, it’s not what you know, but who you know: Make links through the people you meet who may inform you of opportunities such as jobs, training, or events of interest in the future.


Skills Students Develop 

From finding a placement to completing the 3-day work-place insight, there are many invaluable skills that will be used and developed, such as researching, communication, digital skills, networking, people skills, self-management skills, literacy, numeracy, reflection, self-awareness, teamwork, problem solving to name a few. 


Where To Start 

The Type of Placement Required  

  • A placement the student would enjoy, explore the Careers Pilot website to explore job roles linked to interests (hobbies or school subjects) CareerPilot.org.uk 

  • Any opportunity to build people skills and increase confidence: customer facing roles such as: retail, hospitality, a deli, and other food outlets are fantastic places to develop your confidence and people skills. 



How To Find Work Experience 

  • Use your supporters: students can often find opportunities through the people they know, family, carers, friends, or school staff. This is networking. 

  • Use the internet: type keywords into a search browser, for example dog groomers or architects in Bath.  

  • Explore our latest database of past WEX placements which is held on the RAS website under careers/ Y10 work experience. WEX-Employers-We-Have-Used-Before.xlsx

  • Business directories delivered annually to our homes. It will list all the businesses within Bath and surrounding areas. 


How to Contact an Employer 

Students should ask to speak with the manager or if it is a large company, the work experience coordinator.  

  • Send an email. Find the email address on the company’s website or in the business directory (Use those communication, literacy, and digital skills) 

  • Give the employer a telephone call (Develop those communication skills) 

  • Drop-in to the business and speak face to face. (Using initiative and developing communication and interpersonal skills) 


Tips on making a phone call 

Write a script or a list of questions to ask the employer  

  • Do you offer any work experience opportunities to secondary school students 

  • Do you have contact details of the person I need to speak to regarding work experience? 

  • Do you have contact details so I can send you the health and safety form the school requires to be completed? 

List any details the employer may need 

  • Dates and times of WEX 

  • Your school email or a parent's telephone number so they may contact you 


Tips on sending an email 

Send the employer a letter or email using our letter template. Adjust to suit your personal circumstances.


  • Remember punctuation, spelling, and capital letters! 

How to send an Email



Secured A Placement, What Next? 

Both the student and employer will need to complete a health and safety form which can be found on the RAS website- careers/ Y10 work experience/ health and safety form. 

The employer will require the following to complete the form: 

  • Student’s full name 

  • Tutor group 

  • Date of Birth 

The student will require the following to complete the form: 

  • Company name and address 

  • Company contacts name and telephone number 

  • Job role and list of duties 


What Information the Student May Need for A Successful Placement 

  • Times of work, start and finish time, breaktimes. 

  • Clothing requirements 

  • Lunch requirements 

  • An understanding of duties. Also, what the student would like to gain from the placement- negotiate with the employer. 

  • Travel arrangements, ensure travel has been planned before day 1 of WEX. 


When applying for work experience, if the student has not heard back from the employer, please follow up as the employer may be busy. Adopt Resilience!  

Apply for more than one placement! 

Students are competing with other schools for places, so a winning letter listing strengths, aspirations and what they would like to gain from the placement is a good selling point. Good luck! 

List of Employers Used in Previous Placements & letter template to send to employers

Explore our latest database of past WEX placements which is held on the RAS website under careers/ Y10 work experience.



Tips on sending an email 

Send the employer a letter or email using our letter template. Adjust to suit your personal circumstances.


  • Remember punctuation, spelling, and capital letters! 

How to send an Email


Online Health and Safety Forms

Work Placement - Health & Safety Forms 

There are 2 forms that need completing when organising work experience. 

Health and Safety Form for Students:Click Hereto be completed before the deadline of 30 January 2025

For Employers to read: Work Placement Agreement

Virtual & Onsite Opportunities

Onsite and Virtual Work Experience

Royal Untied Hospital

Work Experience

Check in here regularly to see any job opportunities, work experience and other useful infomation.

RUH Work Experience and Information on Apprenticeships

See what the RUH has to offer here

Careers Advice offered by the RUH

The RUH is commited to providing careers advice and support to students at local schools here  


NHS Careers

NHS Cadets

St John’s Ambulance have launched a new NHS Cadets scheme providing opportunities to explore skills, knowledge and volunteering roles within the NHS. Read more about it in a leaflet here and on the website here

Careers in the NHS




Mighty Girls and V Code are teaming up to offer girls an opportuntity to devlop skills in coding.

For more information click here



Armed Forces  Work Experience

Experience life in the forces click here

Army Officer Scholarship Scheme 16 - 18 year olds

Receive sponsorship through sixth form and university, before joining the Army in a leadership role.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Project Search

This is a transition to work programme for people with learning disabilities and autism. To find out more, see here


Other Work Experience Opportunties

Work Experience Opportunities in 28 Industries

Career Programmes for ages 12-18 run by InvestIn. NB these programmes incur a fee 

Virtual Work Experience

Sign up here and take a look at all the opportunities to build up your CV and get free work experience.

Barclays Lifeskills

 Virtual Work ExperienceHigher Education


Pathway is a careers service that can connect you with leading UK employers to gain experience and figure out your next steps after school. See here for their upcoming events

See here for a video about joining their programme.


Virtual Work Experience (VWEX)

  1. Springpod over 88 online virtual experience click here!
  2. Barclays Lifeskills Virtual Work Experience

  3. Speakers for Schools click here!

Study Skills & Work Experience Evening October 2024

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