Pupil Premium & Free School Meals

Ralph Allen School

Picture1Pupil Premium 2023/24

At Ralph Allen School, Pupil Premium funding is used in many different ways and is targeted at boosting the potential of a student, regardless of their background.

Our focus is on helping maximise attendance, achievement and progress by removing any barriers to learning and by building strong, consistent relationships.

At Ralph Allen School we use the Education Endowment Foundation research and toolkit to inform our strategy to support students in receipt of Pupil Premium.


Meet the team

If you have any questions about Pupil Premium Funding, need any support completing any forms or want to enquire about how we support our students, please contact the following people: 

Staff member Job Title  Email Address
Mr Richard Handley Head of Enrichment and Wellbeing r.handley@palladianacademytrust.com
Mr Tim Hulett PP Learning Mentor  t.hulett@palladianacademytrust.com


What do we offer? 

At Ralph Allen School improving the attainment, progress and opportunities for all our students is a prime concern. We prioritise knowing our students and building strong relationships. If our students are happy and safe, they will achieve their personal best. Some of the challenges we face and the support we give are outlined in the guides below. We know students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding are not a homogenous group. Our aim is to identify whether support is needed and then support appropriately.

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other students. Pupil Premium was first introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with students who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever FSM 6’); have been adopted from care or have left care; children who are looked after by the local authority. Schools also receive funding for children of service personnel.

Free School Meal online application form

Free School Meal paper application form 

Please visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pupil-premium-information-for-schools-and-alternative-provision-settings for more information about Pupil Premium Funding for schools.

Ralph Allen Guide on supporting our Pupil Premium Students 2022-23

Pupil Premium Funding and Expenditure Documentation

Pupil Premium Action Plan 2022-23

Free School Meals

Free School Meal Holiday Vouchers 

As you may be aware Bath and North East Somerset Council provided funding to support benefit-related free school meals during school holidays throughout the lockdown period, by issuing vouchers to parents. The Local Authority is looking to provide similar support during the holiday weeks moving forward. 

Vouchers will be provided amounting to £15 per week per child for all students who are eligible for Free School Meals. If you have not received these vouchers and need to claim them, please do so by visiting the council’s web portal. 

Council's web portal to apply for free school meal vouchers 

Benefits Team: 01225 477777 

Please register for Free School Meals Eligible by Benefit (EBB) if you are in receipt of qualifying benefits, as registration will attract additional funding for your child’s school for Pupil Premium (£1,035 per Secondary pupil for the financial year 2023/24). The B&NES Free School Meals Eligibility Checking service now has a new Free School Meals web page on the B&NES website, with a link to an online benefit related free school meal application form which can be found using the following links:

Free School meal paper application form 

Free school meal online application form 

If your child is in year 6 in a B&NES primary school and they are currently receiving benefit related free school meals, there is no need to reapply as eligibility for a free school meal will automatically transfer to their new B&NES secondary school. The only time they should reapply is if the child previously attended a school from another county – they would then need to apply through the B&NES Free School Meals website as mentioned above.

You can register your entitlement for Free School Meals if you have children who attend Ralph Allen School and receive the following benefits:   

  1. Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67/month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)
  2. Income Support   
  3. Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
  4. Income Related Employment Support Allowance
  5. Child Tax Credit (WITHOUT Working Tax Credit) and have and annual household income (as assessed by HMRC) below £16,190
  6. Run-on Working Tax Credit which is only paid for 4 weeks after you STOP qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  7. The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
  8. Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
To register for free school meals
  1. Online application form on the B&NES Free School Meals website: https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals
  2. Call 01225 394317 to make a telephone registration. They are a small team, so if they do not pick up, please leave them a message; they always respond.
  3. Complete a registration form at your School or Academy or Council Connect offices at the Guildhall in Bath, The Civic Centre in Keynsham, and The Hollies in Midsomer Norton.  Using the web link: https://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/schools-colleges-and-learning/school-meals-and-catering/free-school-mealsdownload and complete the registration form and email it back to freeschoolmeals@bathnes.gov.ukor post it to: Free School Meals Team, People and Communities Finance, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG.

What happens next? 

The Local Authority will check your eligibility for qualifying benefits on your behalf using the DFE Online Free School Meal Checking Service. Your National Insurance or National Asylum Seeker Support Number and Date of Birth will be required to do this.   They then will inform you and the school of your child/children's entitlement to free school meals, or alternatively whether your registration has been rejected and if so, on what grounds.

What happens if my circumstances change?

Please inform the Free School Meal team:

  1. If an additional child is starting school.
  2. If you move house (please also tell the school).
What if my child is entitled to free school meals?

Your child’s account will have the current value of a free school meal credited each day at lunchtime – i.e. £2.60 to be spent on lunch each day. If this amount is not spent then the credit is removed and does not roll over to another day. £2.60 entitles your child to a main meal, pudding and item of fruit purchased together in addition to an item of fruit. Anything over that £2.60 credit can be paid for with money on the student’s account. Funds can still be added to a FSM account so that additional extras can be purchased.

The free school meal allowance is always used in full prior to using any extra funds credited and can only be spent at lunch time in the dining hall in exchange for a school meal, desert and/or fruit. It cannot be used at breakfast club or break time. Breakfast club for FSM students starts from 8.15am and includes a free serving of porridge and a 50p credit for a piece of toast or fruit.

The biometric system ensures that free school meal students remain completely anonymous from other paying students.


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