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Admissions - In year
We recognise children change schools for a variety of reasons from moving home to changes in family circumstances or for other personal reasons.
If you wish to change your child's school, we would advise you to discuss your reasons for moving with the Headteacher of your current school prior to making a decision. This is particularly important for children in secondary schools where a move may disrupt the courses they have begun to study. Changing schools during Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) could have a direct impact on GCSE results.
As Ralph Allen School is an academy you need to complete the application form below and send the form directly to the school.
We are oversubscribed in all year groups so it may not be possible to offer a place, however an application can be made at any time throughout the academic year for any year group. The chances of obtaining a place are stronger if you are living in our catchment area, although this is still not guaranteed.
If an application is refused, parents have the right to appeal against the decision to an Independent Appeals Panel.
Details of the way in which applications for a place in an existing year group are processed can be found below. If you prefer you can request a copy of the relevant booklet to be sent out from B&NES Admissions & Transport Unit by phoning 01225 394312 or via email: admissions_transport@bathnes.gov.uk.
Ralph Allen School – an Accessible Secondary School
Ralph Allen School is fully accessible to meet the educational needs of a disabled child to access the curriculum. This is to give them the freedom to participate fully in school life.
For any in-year admissions enquiries please contact Hannah Baker, Executive Assistant or Alys Davies, Office Manager. Telephone: 01225 838907; email RAS-admissions@palladianacademytrust.com
In-year Admissions Application Form for the Palladian Academy Trust.
A copy of this can be downloaded and printed from the link above. Paper copies of information documents are available from the school on request at no cost .