Sixth Form 16-19 Bursary Fund

There is a 16-19 Bursary fund available for eligible students. 

We highly recommend that, if you feel you may need financial support for books, stationery & equipment, trips and/or some travel, you look into it and apply if you think you may qualify for this support. 

There are various eligibility criteria, including household income, but if you receive Free School Meals, you should automatically qualify for the bursary, so please do apply.  

To apply please follow these 2 steps: 

  1. For all applications, please complete an online application form below 

ESFA 16-19 Bursary & Learner Support Fund Application Form

  1. To support your online application form you will also need to print and complete the following form and hand in to the Finance department with copies of your proof of income (the proof of income form is not needed if you receive free school meals): 


For more information, please read the Bursary Policy which can be found below. If you are unable to apply online, please contact Ms K Rutter (Deputy Head of Sixth Form) on 01225 832936 or

Bursary Policy 

Any students applying for support who need to make purchases that might fall within the Bursary Funds allowance at the start of term should speak to Ms K Rutter (Deputy Head of Sixth Form). Please note that purchases must be made by the school Finance Office - we cannot reimburse expenses paid by the student.

Please contact the Finance Department for further information:

01225 832936 ext 337

Year 13 - No change in circumstances self declaration form

If your child is starting year 13 in September 2024 and received a 16-19 Bursary during Year 12. You are required to complete the following online form to state that there has been no change in circumstances since your original Bursary application. Once the form has been completed and submitted stating that there has been no change in circumstances then your child can use the 16-19 Bursary for Year 13. 

If you have any questions or would prefer a paper copy to complete, please contact Mrs Rutter - Deputy Head of Sixth Form.

Year 13 - Online Circumstances Form

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