RASA (Ralph Allen School Association)

IMG 7332
Ralph Allen School

What you need to know

RASA is the school's PTA. We are a group of parents, staff and governors who are dedicated to fundraising for the school by organising social activities and fun events.

In the past few years RASA has raised vital funds which have been used for a variety of projects; a new trampoline for the PE department, book tokens for student prizes, new computers for the Art and Photography Department, staff training in mental health first aid and many more.

Join in!

Our meetings are informal (usually in the Forester and Flower with a beverage) and everyone is welcome. We meet roughly once a term depending on the planned events. Do come along, we are a friendly bunch!

You can join in as little or as much as you want/can, so simply send us an email for more information ras-rasa@PalladianAcademyTrust.com.

You can be added to our mailing list to ensure you find out first-hand about all events and meetings.

If you have any questions or ideas you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you.

The RASA team

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